NHS Rainbow Badges
Have you spotted our NHS rainbow badges?
You may have seen some of our staff wearing NHS rainbow badges. The badges are just one way to show that St Paul’s Medical Centre are open, non-judgemental and inclusive places for people that identify as LGBT+.
LGBT+ stands for lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender and the + simply means that we are inclusive of all identities, regardless of how people define themselves.
If you see someone wearing a badge, you can ask them about it. The badge is a reminder that you can talk to our staff about who you are and how you feel. They will do their best to get support for you if you need it.
About the rainbow badges initiative
Growing from a conversation and shared experiences between colleagues, the initiative aims to make a positive difference by promoting a message of inclusion.
Many young LGBT+ people say that they do not have an adult they can turn to or confide in. We believe that people who work in healthcare can play a key role in making things better.

Information for young people
Talking about sexuality and gender, and how you feel about it, can be difficult, especially at first.
People wearing a rainbow badge are there to listen, support and to help you to seek help if you need it.
There are some great resources to find out more about gender and sexuality, most of them online.
Juno Dawson’s This Book Is Gay, written by a young adult author and former PSHE teacher, is a book that aims to ‘smash the myths and prejudices surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity’.
Stonewall have a great guide to ‘Coming out as a young person’, which gives lots of answers to questions young people often have when they are thinking about coming out, or are wondering if they are lesbian, gay or bi.
Young people working with Gendered Intelligence and the Department of Health have written ‘A guide for young trans people in the UK’. It has lots of useful information if you feel that your gender identity is different to the one you were assigned when you were born.
More information about gender identity can be found on the NHS information website and GIDS (The Gender Identity Development Service) website. GIDS is a highly specialised clinic that supports young people in relation to gender identity
The Albert Kennedy Trust, provide support for LGBT+ young people who may be living in a violent, abusive or hostile environment, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Local LGBT+ Services
Lancashire LGBT

Work done by Lancashire LGBT includes the following activities:
- Providing a Helpline and Information service. The helpline number is 07788 295521 and is staffed on Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10.00 a.m. till 4.00 p.m, for anyone requiring information or support on any lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans issues.
- Delivering social and support opportunities for LGB&T people
- Supporting VCFS and the public sector to reduce the barriers that LGB and/or T people experience when accessing services
- Influencing decision making to ensure that the voices of LGB and/or T people are amplified and acted on
- Delivering key research projects that underpin the need for policy change
- Raising awareness of the needs of LGB&T people by delivering training
- Hosting a satellite clinic for Leeds Gender Identity Service
URPotential – urpotential.co.uk
URPotential deliver a wide range of youth and community projects based on the need of people in local and regional communities.
Chrysalis – www.lgbtconsortium.org.uk/tran-support-groups
Chrysalis is a volunteer peer led support group at Blackburn, Blackpool, Preston, Accrington, and Darwen. All gender variations are welcome, not just transsexuals.
Renaissance/Horizon LGBT – www.ren-uk.com/lgbt-health-and-wellbeing/
LGB&T Community Development Project based at Renaissance in Blackpool. Offering Social Groups and one to one support to those who identify as LGB and/or T and any variations thereof. Sexual Health clinics for men that have sex with men, free HIV testing and other sexual health support.
Liberty Church – www.libertychurchblackpool.org.uk
Liberty church is an inclusive church that welcomes everyone who celebrates the diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
FCWA (Fylde Coast Women’s Aid) – www.fcwa.co.uk
In 2018, Fylde Coast Women’s Aid celebrated its 25-year anniversary as a specialist provider of refuge and support services for victims of domestic abuse. It is an innovative, forward looking organisation which is constantly identifying gaps in service and developing to meet the needs of its clients. FCWA provides a holistic and unique service to individuals (both men & women) and their families experiencing domestic abuse.
National Support & Information
LGBT Foundation – lgbt.foundation
Switchboard (LGBT+ Helpline) – switchboard.lgbt
Government Equalities Office – https://www.gov.uk/guidance/advice-and-support-for-lgbt-people
Mind (LGBTIQ+ Mental Health) – https://www.mind.org.uk
Stonewall – https://stonewall.org.uk
LGBT Consortium – http://www.lgbtconsortium.org.uk/
Galop (LGBT+ anti-violence charity) – http://www.galop.org.uk/
Sexual health for men who have sex with men – www.nhs.uk/sexual-health-for-gay-and-bisexual-men/
Sexual health for women who have sex with women – www.nhs.uk/sexual-health-for-lesbian-and-bisexual-women/
Fighting with Pride – Fighting With Pride: The LGBT+ Military Charity
Supporting the health and wellbeing of LGBT veterans and their families