St Pauls Medical Centre
Dickson Road
Telephone: 01253 623896
Email: [email protected]
This is a Statement of Purpose for St Pauls Medical Centre which sets out the following information:
- The full name of the service provider and of any registered manager together with their business address, telephone number, and where available electronic mail addresses.
- The legal status of the service provider.
- Details of the locations at which the services provided for the purposes of the regulated activity carried on
- Our aims and objectives in carrying on the regulated activity.
- The kinds of services provided for the purpose of carrying on of the regulated activity.
- The range of service users’ needs, which those services are intended to meet.
Registered Manager:
Dr Colin Scott MB ChB, MRCGP
Dr Leanne Rudnick MB ChB, MRCGP
Dr Robert Straker Bennett MB ChB, MRCGP
DR Lalitha Ganti MB BS
Dr Lubna Momin MB BS, MRCGP
Dr Sarah Cunliffe MBChB, MRCGP, DRCOG, PG Cert
Dr Shahzad Gul MB BS, MRCGP
St Pauls Medical Centre is a General Practice Partnership open to all patients living within our Practice boundary in Blackpool and the surrounding areas. We work in partnership with our patients and our Patient Participation Group to provide medical care for our patients. We are a General Medical Services (GMS) Practice offering Primary care services for the diagnosis and prevention of disease. We help patients to manage their health and prevent illness. Our GPs assess, diagnose, treat and manage illness. They carry out screening for some diseases and promote general health and wellbeing. Our GPs act as a patient’s advocate, supporting and representing a patient’s best interests to ensure they receive the best and most appropriate health and/or social care. Our GPs also provide the link to further health services and work closely with other healthcare colleagues. They may also arrange hospital admissions and referrals to other services and specialists and they link with secondary and community services about patient care, taking advice and sharing information where needed. They also collect and record important information from other healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of our patients.
Our GPs are also involved in the education and training of doctors, practice staff and other healthcare professionals.
Our Mission Statement:
‘We care for you we care about you’
To work in partnership with our patients and staff to provide the best Primary Care services possible working within local and national governance, guidance and regulations.
Our Aims and Objectives:
- To provide high quality, safe, professional Primary Health Care General Practice services to our patients.
- To focus on prevention of disease by promoting health and wellbeing and offering care and advice to our patients.
- To work in partnership with our patients, their families and carers towards a positive experience and understanding, involving them in decision making about their treatment and care.
- To be a learning organisation that continually improves what we are able to offer patients.
- To treat patients as individuals and with the same respect we would want for ourselves or a member of our families, listening and supporting people to express their needs and wants and enabling people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence, choice and control
- To work in partnership with other agencies to tackle the causes of, as well as provide the treatment for ill health and where appropriate involve other professionals in the care of our patients.
- To encourage our patients to communicate with us by joining our Patient Participation Group, talking to us, participating in surveys, and feeding back and on the services that we offer
- To ensure all staff have the competency and motivation to deliver the required standards of care ensuring that all members of the team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties competently
- To take care of our staff offering them support to do their jobs and to protect them against abuse
- Have a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse.
- To provide our patients and staff with an environment which is safe and friendly
- To operate on a financially sound basis.
Our Services:
The GMS services provided by our GPs are defined under the Standard Personal Medical Services Contract. These services are mainly split into three groups:
- Essential
- Additional
- Enhanced
Essential services
We provide essential services for people who have health conditions from which they are expected to recover, chronic disease management and general management of terminally ill patients.
Our core services include:
- GP consultations
- Nurse Practitioner Consultations
- Paramedic consultations
- Asthma Clinics
- Chronic obstructive airways disease clinics
- Coronary heart disease clinics
- Diabetes clinics
- NHS Healthcheck clinics
Additional services
Our additional services include:
- Cervical cytology screening
- Child health surveillance
- Contraceptive services
- Maternity services
- Certain minor surgery procedures
- Vaccinations and immunisations
- INR Monitoring
Enhanced services
Our enhanced services include:
- Childhood vaccinations and immunisations
- Contraceptive coil fitting (IUD) and contraceptive implant fitting
- Diabetes Management
- Prostate Cancer Injection Therapy
- Extended minor surgery
- Flu immunisation
Other services
Our Practice also offers services including:
- Child health and development
- Dressing clinics
- ECGs (electrical heart trace)
- End of life care
- Epilepsy
- Lung testing (spirometry)
- Medication review
- Mental health
- Pregnancy testing and contraceptive advice
- Stop smoking support
- Travel advice
- Men’s and Women’s health
Non-NHS Services
Our Practice also provides services which are non-NHS and are paid for by the patient. These services include:
- Insurance claims forms
- Non-NHS vaccinations
- Prescription for taking medication abroad
- Private sick notes
- Pre-employment and HGV medicals
- Vaccination certificates